Brno Lorberer

? > Lorber from Brno

The Lorber from Brno

Probable link

The origin is unclear. So far there is only one reference for this early mention in "Hans Bahlow: German dictionary of names" (see page background). An original document could not be viewed, which is why caution is advised here.
  • Otto Lorberer, 1345 in Brno
Ob es sich um einen Stamm handelt oder um einen Händler, der beispielsweise Verbindungen zu den Mecklenburgern oder Elsässern besaß, steht in den Sternen (oder noch unbekannten Urkunden).

Later spread

Spatially, the potential descendants would be the early "Lorbers", who were also referred to temporarily Landshuter to mind.

On the surface, the Lorbers also appear in Galicia as possible descendants - but it should be borne in mind that Jews usually received family names much later.

The article in the family magazine Laurus

This branch was also covered in the family magazine "Laurus" in 2014. The corresponding article can be downloaded here (PDF in German).

Do not be surprised about deviations from the above text. The article reflects the state of research from 2014. In contrast, the text on the homepage is up to date with family research.
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  • Hans Bahlow: Deutsches Namenslexikon, 1967
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