The profession of shepherd makes a connection with the Lorbers from nearby Vogtland
probably. However, Stadtsteinach was also part of the Bamberg Hochstift, which is related to the Franconian lines
Bamberg can be made pausible, due to the activity in the leather processing trade then probably from the urban line.
Nikolaus Lorber ( 1683), shepherd in Unterzaubach
Dieser Zweig war zunächst als Hirten und Kleinbauern in Dörfern der Umgebung von Stadtsteinach beheimatet, wie in Unterzaubach, Römersreuth und Vogtendorf. Ab dem 18. Jahrhundert dann als Schuster und Rotgerber in Stadtsteinach selbst.
Outstanding biographies
Sebastian Lorber (around 1606-1688), city councilor in Stadtsteinach at the time of the shepherd Nikolaus, but a connection to the Stadtsteinacher branch is unclear;
Benedikt Lorber (1700-1772) moved from Oberzaubach to Stadtsteinach and founded the somewhat wealthier urban cobbler and tanner branch;
Johann Gottfried Lorber (1787-1864), shoemaker in Ebelsbach and father of quite successful children; including:
Heinrich Lorber (* 1825), baron Stauffenberg's pension administrator at Greifenstein Castle;
Georg Lorber (* 1832-1879), Royal Post Expeditor, was killed by a farmer in an inn in Stadtsteinach;
Johann (1845-1933) and Johann (* 1853) Lorber, two half-brothers, one weaver, the other tailor, who emigrated to the USA in April / May 1870 via Hamburg, the older settled in Springfield, Illinois, from the younger there are uncertain traces in Tulsa, Oklahoma;
Heinrich Lorber (1874-1930), brewer and master brewer in Stadtsteinach
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Die noch verbliebenen Nachkommen scheinen vor allem im Raum Stadtsteinach zu leben, möglicherweise existieren auch noch Nachfahren der beiden ausgewanderten Halbbrüder.
The hamlet of Römersreuth near Stadtsteinach, one of the settlement areas of the Lorbers
This branch was also covered in the family magazine "Laurus" in 2014. The corresponding article can be downloaded here (PDF in German).
Do not be surprised about deviations from the above text. The article reflects the state of research from 2014. In contrast, the text on the homepage is up to date with family research.