Sidebranch Neuried

Alsatian parent line> Ebersheim line> Hans branch> Martin branch> Kappel-Grafenhausen host branch > New lower branch

The hosts in the Munich area


Offshoot of Kappel-Grafenhausener host branch of the Ebersheim branch.


(Franz) Joseph (* 1802 in Grafenhausen), innkeeper in Neuried near Munich, ran the inn there, which was probably founded by his father (Franz) Anton Lorber (1757-after 1806), born in Kappel, 1806 innkeeper in Grafenhausen .


Die „Gastwirtschaft Lorber“ besteht unter diesem Namen bis heute in Neuried, wird aber heute, wird aber nicht mehr von Namensvettern betrieben. Die Nachkommen blieben teilweise noch mindestens bis 1968 in Neuried, ein weiterer Zweig zog in die Stadt München und betrieb dort eine Metzgerei im Stadtteil Au.

Outstanding biographies

  • Max (Joseph) Lorber (around 1830-1882) and his son Max Lorber junior (1858-1899), master butcher at Mariahilfplatz 25 in Munich-Au;
  • (Max) Joseph Lorber (1857-1938), Royal Bavarian Post Office Director in Munich;
  • Karl Georg Josef Lorber (1897-1974), doctor living in Munich and Mittenwald
  • Josef Lorber (* 1896 Munich), youngest son of the butcher from the Au. He emigrated to Argentina in 1913 and founded it there > Argentine house

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Perhaps not yet known descendants in the Munich area.

> It is a branch Argentine house.

The article in the family magazine Laurus

This branch was also covered in the family magazine "Laurus" in 2014. The corresponding article can be downloaded here (PDF in German).

Do not be surprised about deviations from the above text. The article reflects the state of research from 2014. In contrast, the text on the homepage is up to date with family research.
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You can download the complete booklet here:
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  • Church records of the parishes of Munich Mariahilf and Graefelfing / Neuried in the diocese archive of Munich
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