Still unclear. Due to the spatial proximity, a connection to the rural Franconian Line or older Thuringian branches seems likely. A link to Stadtsteinacher branch
appears likely since the earliest known progenitors were shepherds.
Probable progenitor
Not clear. Volkmar Hellfritzsch's surname book of the Saxonian Vogtland mentions Schafmeister Jobst Lorperer 1576 in Tobertitz, Schäfer Jobst Lorber 1583 in Jößnitz and Schafmeister Hieronymus Lkörperer 1583 iin Pöhl as early mentions. This leads him to assume that the name "Lorber" comes from the sheep's cabbage, which probably resembles the fruit of the laurel tree. A very daring thesis.
The Vogtlanders Lorber were active as shepherds until the 18th century. Often employed as sheepmasters for the herds of local nobles. Some of the descendants of these probably less wealthy families emigrated to Chile in the USA or via Hamburg.
Johann David Lorbeer (1742-1805), Pachtschäfer in Triebes und Vorfahr des Pomona Zweiges - erhielt das zweite „e“ im Nachnamen, wohl aufgrund der sich geänderten Schreibweise der gleichnamigen Gewürzpflanze;
Hans Lorber (+1775) aus Markersdorf bei Berga, frühester bisher bekannter Vorfahr des Chilenischen Hauses;
Erich Hermann Albrecht Lorber (1901-1980), geboren in Hamburg als Sohn eines Könitzers, wanderte nach seiner Hochzeit mit der gebürtigen Chilenin Elfriede Juana Beatriz Eskuche Schleichert (1897-1968) nach Chile aus;
(möglicherweise Teil dieses Astes:) Martha Lorber
(1900-1983), Broadway-Starlet, Tochter eines geborenen Leipzigers.
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There are still descendants in the Vogtland and the surrounding area of Saxony and Thuringia, where the Lorbe (e) rs occur relatively frequently. But also the branches in Chile
and possibly in Pomona / California
lead back to this branch.
Map of the Vogtland with early mentions of the name Lorber