Johann ("III.") Lorber (1666-presumably 1725), eldest of the three brothers, among whom the Burglesauer branch was divided into three branches. He was born in Dörrnwasserlos and probably died in Schneeberg (although the death entry estimates him to be over 10 years older).
The connection with Wattendorf only came about under his son Johann ("IV. The Younger" [there was also an older brother of the same name]) Lorber (1707-after 1776), who was still born in Schneeberg. He was a small farmer, married Barbara Uselmann in 1740 and settled there.
Descendants of this branch still live in Wattendorf. It is noteworthy that the tradition of the Burglesau branch, called the eldest son Johann, started in 1602 and was continued over 9 generations until 1852 (Johann "VIII."), To a certain extent even until 1885 (Johann Anton).
Outstanding biographies
Margaretha Born Schütz (1816-1859), emigrated to the USA as a widow with daughter and son in 1852;
Maria Lorber Engelhardt (1888-1967), after her first husband Johann Anton Lorber (1885-1917) died in the First World War, she married his cousin and neighbor Johann Lorber (1892-1974)
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Bis heute auf dem Land rund um Wattendorf, zwischen Lichtenfels, Hollfeld, Burglesau und Mittelfranken zu finden. Sogar der alte Wattendorfer Hof (Kirchberg 15, ehemals Hausnummer 20) ist noch immer in Besitz der Lorber - damit wohl schon seit über 280 Jahren!
This branch was also covered in the family magazine "Laurus" in 2014. The corresponding article can be downloaded here (PDF in German).
Do not be surprised about deviations from the above text. The article reflects the state of research from 2014. In contrast, the text on the homepage is up to date with family research.