Bough Carinthia

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The Lorbers in Carinthia

Probable link

Möglicherweise über die Besitztümer des Hochstifts Bamberg Herkunft von den fränkischen Lorbern. Sehr wahrscheinlich Verbindungen zum Südsteirisch-Slowenischen Ast über eine gemeinsame Kärtnerisch-Steirische Linie. Genauere Forschungen stehen noch aus.

Possible progenitor

The earliest known mentions were Thomas and Dorothe Lorber, 1466 in Wurdach / Carinthia.


The family left many traces in Carinthia, such as the hamlet Lorberhof north of Klagenfurt, the hill Lorberkogel in Althofen or the street name Lorbersteig in Krumpendorf am Wörthersee.

Outstanding biographies

  • Adam Lorber, um 1636 Beamter der Kärnterischen Landesschrannenkanzlei

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To this day in the Austrian federal states of Carinthia and Styria, also very widespread in Vienna. In the Austrian online phone book alone there are over 200 entries. There are also branches in Bavaria, Switzerland, Canada and the USA.

The article in the family magazine Laurus

This branch was also covered in the family magazine "Laurus" in 2014. The corresponding article can be downloaded here (PDF in German).

Do not be surprised about deviations from the above text. The article reflects the state of research from 2014. In contrast, the text on the homepage is up to date with family research.
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  • Katholisches Kirchenbucharchiv Klagenfurt
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