Moritz Friedrich Wilhelm Lorbeer, who comes from the father's side in the Naumburg area, was born in Schwabach as the son of a police commissioner and district judge. He married in Bratislava in 1851 and finally moved to Vienna, where he ran a coffee roaster and died. Descendants can still be found in Vienna to this day.
Outstanding biographies
Theodor Moritz Carl Lorbeer (1859-1893), fig coffee maker in Berlin;
Ludwig Theodor Lorbeer (1887-1967), architect and city architect in Vienna;
Ludwig Georg Gotthilf Theodor Lorbeer (1915-1943), among other things, researched his ancestors in Rastenberg and tried to unite families, but then unfortunately fell in Stalingrad
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Blühender Zweig, vor allem in Wien und Berlin.
The progenitor Moritz Lorbeer (1810-1886) with his family. Family owned photo from 1874.
In the middle Moritz Lorbeer (1858-1945) and his wife Hedwig b. Fritze (1861-1945) with son Friedrich and friends. Recorded in 1910. Owned by the descendants in Vienna.
This branch was also covered in the family magazine "Laurus" in 2014. The corresponding article can be downloaded here (PDF in German).
Do not be surprised about deviations from the above text. The article reflects the state of research from 2014. In contrast, the text on the homepage is up to date with family research.